
Our Partners

The HM Dasgupta Foundation is proud to support and work with partners who will increase the efficiency in delivering impacting results, and who will collaboratively mobilize more resources. Our partnerships allow us to increase our reach globally and to have the opportunity to network with other groups (our partners’ partners) as we believe in strength through numbers. We strive to collectively have our joint objectives met and to help our organization increase its legitimacy and reputation. We believe that a diversity of voices and different skill sets provides our team many opportunities to learn in different area and to improve our work. Through the partnerships, we are reaching out to those communities where it was not possible. The HM Dasgupta Foundation intends to continue to reach out with an open mind and raise its participation levels to learn more about different communities. Hiranmoy Dasgupyta is keep networking with many other partners who have some aim and same goal to work on at broader aspect
We are pleased to announce our partners below.

Tagore Shiksha Niketan School

Stella Krasinski Design

Golden Hospital